Top 12 Best Tailgate Games to Play Outside

Top 12 Best Tailgate Games to Play Outside - Portal Outdoors

Do you have free time from the hustle-bustle and boring life routine and want to enjoy your free time with your loved ones while having some fun? Then, you should make a list of tailgate games to play outside. These tailgate outside games will make you able to have a healthy time. 

1. Washers Toss

Washers toss is a fun activity that can be performed on your lawn. The game is also known as tailgate toss, hillbilly horseshoes, sewers, washer pitching and huachas. Today, Washer Toss is being played in several versions. First, however, we will discuss all the basics of the game that will help you play any version of this game.

You need a cubic shaped box closed with a handle. When unlatching the box, the top and bottom of the box become apart. There is a PVC pipe at the centre of each part. To play the game, you need a set of 8 washers. A mat type material encloses the bottom side, and the bottom and top parts look the same on the inside. The PVC pipe, which is a hole, is a targeting point when playing the game, and you toss the two sets of four washers. 

Both pieces are set 20 feet away from your side. Resembling cornhole boards, both parts are aligned accordingly. A string is used to measure the distance when setting up the washers toss game. You can easily play the washers toss game in the park when gathering and during tailgate parties.  

2. Cornhole Toss

Cornhole toss is one of the best tailgate games and is very simple to understand. However, it is difficult to master the game. There is no need to worry about the rules of the game. This is why the game is enlisted among some unique outdoor games. You can play cornhole games with friends, family, colleagues, and anyone. It can be a team play or one on one cornhole session.

Whether you are playing on one on one cornhole or team play, 8 bags will be required to play the game. The players throw the bag alternatingly until every player throws four bags per frame. For example, player 1 throws 1 bag, player 2 throws one bag, and the session goes on until one frame is completed.

Certain terms you need to know to play the game accurately. Without understanding these terms, playing cornhole toss will not be possible. Below are the terms you need to be master to play cornhole: 

  • Frame:Frame is a set of throws where each player throws four bags.
  • Woody:It is a situation when the cornhole bag rests of places on the sheet or board at the end of the frame. This action is worth one point. 
  • Cornhole:It is a point or situation when a bag passes through the hole at any given point on the frame. This action is worth 3 points.
  • Sweep:It is when you remove the bag that is not passing through the given point or touching the ground. This action is considered a foul shot. 
  • Rake:It is when you clear the bags piled up under the hole, and there is no space for more bags to pass through the hole. 
  • Foul:It happens when you pass the line in front of the board before the bag is released from your hand. 
  • Game:It means the amount of frame is necessary for the team or one player to reach the total points, 21 points. 
  • Airmail:It is the situation when the cornhole passes the hole without hitting the board.  

3. Kan Jam

Kam Jam challenges you to be the first team to reach 21 points at first to win the game. Isn’t it excited for you? Well, here we come with almost all the basics of the game. First of all, you need to set up the game zone. Then choose a team, and start making points to become the winner. 

When setting up the game, you need to set up your Kans opposite from one another. The Kans are settled 50 feet away for both competitive and recreational play. The game is played between two teams, and each team member stands behind the Kans on the opposite side of the field. Remember that each team has to complete the same number of turns before the game is over. However, there is also an instant winning situation in this game. Experts suggest that choosing to throw last is an advantageous point for you. The team that hits the instant win slot or completes 21 points wins the match.

4. Ladder Toss

  • Ladder toss can be an exciting game for people who love to spend their leisure time with friends making some fun activities. All you need to play this game is a ladder and balls. The balls to play for ladder toss are specialized balls. These are two balls tied with a string. Each ball is on the opposing corner of the string. 
  • You measure the distance between your standing point and the point where the ladder is located. You can place the ladder to the distance that suits you according to your practice level. There are three steps on the ladder. Remember that each step on the ladder has a different score. For example, the bottom step has 1 score, the middle step has 2 scores, and the top step has 3 scores. When the ball misses the ladder, your turn is over, and your opponent player will make his turn. Remember that you need to complete the exact 21 scores to win the game. 

5. Stump

  • Stump is also of the most exciting and the best tailgate games. It comes with unique rules and fun activities. All you need to play this game is a stump, hammer, and nails. There is no limitation for players to play the stump games. 
  • All the players gathered around the stump and slightly nailed their nails on it. The basics of the game are that a player who will completely nail or fix the nail into the sump will win the session. There is a fantastic rule you need to follow when hammering your nail. The rule is that you must flip the hammer before hammering your nail. Remember that your turn will be over when you miss the hammer or the shot, and you will pass the hammer to the next contestant. All you need to win this game is to nail or pin your nail into the stump entirely.  

6. Old-Fashioned Catch

Old-fashioned catch games are the practice of catching objects. The game has different versions to play. For example, you can catch the ball and other objects in different styles to complete the game. And people of all ages can play the game. It can be played between two teams or two individuals. The teams or individuals stand at a certain distance and pass a ball towards the opponents who have to catch the ball. The players who drop the catch get a negative point. The team that completes the set goals or points first wins the game. 

7. Pocket Passer

  • Pocket passer is another great outdoor game with your friends and family on weekends or vacations. Unlike pocket passer in football, it is declared from the name that you need to pass something from pockets or holes. The game completes when you pass a ball from the set pockets. A specialized ball is used to play this game. The pockets are also designed specifically on a board before playing the game. 
  • You can play the game in any outdoor setting. The pocket board is comprised of six pockets. There is only one pocket at the top of the board. However, the middles section board consists of two pockets, and the bottom section consists of three pockets. According to the basic rules, the board is placed at a specific distance from the players’ side. Passing the ball from the top pocket scores 3 points. However, passing the ball from the middle pockets scores 2 and passing the ball from the bottom pockets scores 10 points. You need to complete 1 point to win the game.  

8. Giant Jenga

Are you looking for something mind-blowing outdoor games? Why don't you think about Giant Jenga? All you need to set up the Jenga game is to have Jenga blocks. You will build a vertical tower by jointing the Jenga blocks. First, you need to arrange three vertical Jenga blocks in a row. Then you will place the other three Jenga blocks on the first row in different or opposite shapes or rows. The gameplay is about removing the blocks from the lower rows and placing them on the Jenga towers' top. You can add as many Jenga blocks on the top side of the tower as you can. The player whose tower will be higher will win the game. Remember that you will be out of the game if your tower falls down when removing or adding the blocks.  

9. Rollors

  • Are you looking for a simple but most exciting game to play with your family during the summertime? Then you might try the Rollors. Here is how you can play this game to add fun to your summer vacations or weekends. 
  • The game is being played between two teams. All you need to play this game are goals and Rollors. Place two goals between the distance of 25 feet. The Rollors will earn the points that will be closer to the goals. You need to throw the Rollors like a bowling ball to reach the goals. Remember that you have to reach the exact 21 points to win the game. The game is being played by people of all ages. You can play the game on parks, lawns, or beaches.   

10. Ring Toss or Quoits

Ring toss to Quoits is another fun game that can add charm and allures to your summer vacations. All you need to play this game is one pin and some rings. The game can be played between two teams or two individuals. The scoring system is that you will earn more scores when adding more rings to the pin. 

You can decide whatever distance you can easily manage when playing the game. If any of the team or individuals could not enter the ring into the point, the score will be measured based on the rings near the pin. However, you need to reach the set or targeted scores to win the game. You need to choose the rings of two different colors to play the game safely without any confusion.  

11. Spikeball

  • Playing Spikeball is another fun activity with your friends and family members. The game can be played on the park, lawn, or beaches. You need a rounded net in round table form and a Spikeball. Experts suggest choosing a little soft Spikeball because it is easy to handle softballs. 
  • The net is placed between two teams according to their needed distance. One player of the first team will hit the Spikeball to the net, and the opponent team player has three turns to hit the Spikeball back to the net. You have to reach the setpoints or scores to win the game. 


  • BULZiBUCKET is another fantastic and fun game to play with your friends when you are on vacation. You can buy the BULZiBUCKET objects from a sports shop. There is a bucket and specific balls that complete the gameplay. The game is being played between two teams. Each team has its bucket, and both buckets are placed 15 feet away from each other straightaway. 
  • One player will throw the ball towards the bucket, and the second player will assist the throw through his feet to reach the ball into the bucket. The winning score of this game is 21 scores.  


Don't you feel these games are special or appealing activities?Whatever game allures you, just understand the basic terms and conditions and try to set up the game for your next weekend or vacation. This will surely make your time memorable. We have explained the potential basics of all these best tailgate games to play outside, helping you play safely and accurately to have joy.